Buried Secrets


The head of Counter-Intelligence is responsible for protecting the crew from the conspiracy. To be really effective at this, you run a separate little network of your own that can’t be traced back to the crew.

You begin with two counter-agents and can only have two at a time working for you until you upgrade your network. If your last counter-agent dies, you will have to ask the Quartermaster to spend an upgrade to supply you with a replacement.

Designer note: If you have only one agent, you can keep them alive by always assigning them to recover after they get wounded. Having the option to get a replacement can allow you to take greater risks, and also reduces the sting of making a mistake.


Dispatch counter-agents. During downtime, send your counter-agents on simple assignments for short-term benefits or long-term assignments that help with the big picture.

Grow your network. The conspiracy has vast resources. You’ll need to prepare carefully to give the crew a fighting chance.

Work with the other roles. Consult the other command staff to make the best decisions you can.

Brief (mission start)

If one of your counter-agents completed an Interrogate assignment, ask the GM any question about the upcoming mission. They will answer honestly.

If one of your counter-agents finished the Augment Mission assigment, tell the GM to add +1 to the rewards for the Director’s chosen mission.

Debrief (mission end)

Send your counter-agents on assignments. Each counter-agent can only be given a single assignment.

Simple Assignments

These assignments do not require a roll and do not expose the counter-agent to any risks.

Long-term Assignments

Each of these projects takes substantial time and attention and requires a roll to determine how far the counter-agent gets towards completion. They work the same way as a regular long-term project, with a small difference: you can only assign your counter-agents to these projects, and there is a risk of being wounded.

When rolling for the assignment, roll 1d. Advance the clock according to the results. (1-3: One, and your counter-agent is wounded. 4/5: Two. 6: Three. Critical: Five.) A wounded counter-agent that gets wounded again will die.

The Network

Your network is carefully isolated from the activities of the main crew, allowing you to stay off the radar of the conspiracy while you undermine their information-gathering programs. So your network represents the staff, informants, bribes, and resources at your disposal.

The Expand Network long-term assignment allows you to wield these resources to greater effect. Whenever you complete it, choose one of the following and gain the benefits immediately.