Buried Secrets


Every player character is familiar with all of the various feats of skulduggery represented by the actions of the game. They’re all able to Skirmish in a knife-fight, Prowl in the shadows, Attune to local systems, Consort with contacts for information, and so on.

Of course, you’ll also have your specializations and skills, the qualities that make your character uniquely effective. You might want the ability to compel obedience from ghosts and channel arcane energy through your body, or maybe you want to manipulate global intelligence networks to your advantage and see danger before it strikes, or maybe you just want to be an effective soldier. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to create your own unique agent and choose the abilities that suit the style of play you prefer.

A heavily used Spanish passport from World War 2

Available playbooks

When you choose a playbook, you’re choosing a set of special abilities (which give your character ways to break the rules in various ways) and a set of xp triggers (which determine how you earn experience for character advancement). But every playbook represents a spy at heart. The Soldier has special abilities related to combat, but that doesn’t mean they’re “the fighter” of the game. Any character type can fight well. Think of your playbook as an area of focus and preference, but not a unique skill set.


The controller is a planner and mastermind. Play this if you want to be good at navigating the maze of intelligence communities. Use your foresight and strategic insights to anticipate and neutralize trouble.


The shadow is the classic spy, straight out of a James Bond movie. Good at sneaking around, breaking into places, and covert activity. Play this if you want to be a typical spy: sneaky, daring, and resourceful.


The engineer is a technician and saboteur, master of spy gadgets, building things (or breaking things). Play an engineer if you want to work with your hands and play with machinery or spy gadgets, or be the one literally throwing a spanner into the works.


The hacker is a digital spy and analyst. Play this if you want to be the one back in the lab assembling clues, cracking encryption, and enhancing and zooming video footage. Save the world by exploiting the weaknesses in technology.


The sniper is a tracker and sharpshooter. Play a sniper if you want to be the one controlling things when the shooting starts… and ends. Expect to spend a lot of times on a rooftop watching things through binoculars or following the trail of killers through the wilderness.


The soldier is trained in the use and misuse of violence and intimidation. Play this if you want to kick ass and blow things up, win fistfights, and be generally dangerous.


The adept is the specialist in all things supernatural. Play this if you want to manipulate magic, bust ghosts, or otherwise engage with the magical world.