Buried Secrets - GM



This section is for the Gamemaster, explaining how to run the game effectively. Most of it won’t be much interest to players.

Agenda and Principles

Like other Forged in the Dark games, you have an explicit agenda and set of principles to help you organize the game and point it to interesting elements of play.


When it’s your turn to do something, and you’re not sure what to do, you should choose one of the actions from this list. This is a little more structured than some other systems, though most of it should be familiar advice.

Improvising a Conspiracy

You don’t need upfront planning to build an interesting and cunning conspiracy. This section explains how to improvise and evolve a conspiracy in reaction to player missions. It also gives advice on what kinds of material and notes you can leverage to make yourself more effective.

Teaching the Game

A large part of being the Gamemaster is teaching others how to play the game. This section describes how to help new players learn the system, organize the first session of a new campaign, and how to run a one-shot or single-session game.

Modding the Game

This section is about why, how and where to adjust the game system to get the experience you want.