Buried Secrets

A spy game Forged in the Dark

Embroidered patch of world-threatening octopus with tagline 'Nothing is beyond our reach'

Buried Secrets is a game about a group of daring characters investigating a sinister conspiracy. We play to find out if they can unmask and neutralize the conspiracy before it destroys all they hold dear.

You do your work in secret fighting an enemy that doesn’t officially exist. All you can count on in this cloak-and-dagger world is your crew and a seemingly limitless budget from whatever agency, department, or mysterious benefactor pays the bills.

In most cases, that means spies fighting a hidden global threat. You could be fighting aliens, vampires, great old ones, amoral scientists, multinational corporations — or just another group of determined spies.

Maybe you’re not spies. Maybe you’re members of law enforcement, researchers in some cutting-edge company about to make a big breakthrough, or are the luckless residents of a Sunnyvale, Innsmouth, or Gotham.

The Players

Each player creates an agent and works with the other players to create the crew to which their characters belong. Each player strives to bring their character to life as an interesting, daring person driven to investigate a dangerous conspiracy.

The players work together with the Game Master to establish the tone and style of the game by making judgment calls about the mechanics, dice, and consequences of actions. The players take responsibility as co-authors of the game with the GM.

The Characters

The characters attempt to unravel the conspiracy by performing missions and contending with threats from their enemies.

Black and white photo of a group of spies, 1960's style

The Crew

In addition to creating characters, you’ll also create the crew by choosing the primary speciality of your group. The crew represents your field office and the support personnel, contacts, and assets supplied by your agency or patron.

The Game Master

The GM establishes the dynamic world around the characters. The GM plays all the non-player characters in the world by giving each one a concrete desire and preferred method of action.

The GM helps organize the conversation of the game so it’s pointed toward the interesting elements of play. The GM isn’t in charge of the story and doesn’t have to plan events ahead of time. They present interesting opportunities to the players, then follow the chain of action and consequences wherever they lead. The game provides tools to help the GM organize the secrets, factions, and betrayals that emerge from play into a mysterious, dangerous conspiracy.

Playing A Session

A session of Buried Secrets is like an episode of a TV show. There are one or two main events, plus maybe some side-story elements, which all fit into an ongoing series. A session of play can last anywhere from two to six hours, depending on the preferences of the group.

During a session, the agents works together to choose a mission to accomplish, then they make a few dice rolls to jump into the action of the mission in progress. The PCs take actions, suffer consequences, and finish the mission (succeed or fail). Then the crew is debriefed, during which they recover, pursue side-projects, and discuss the clues they discovered. Then the crew choose a new mission, and we play to find out what happens next.