Buried Secrets

Night Watch

Group conducting a  seance

Agents that focus on acquiring, monitoring and/or containing supernatural forces. Like the classic Night Watch books, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the television show Supernatural, the Underworld movies, or Sapphire and Steel. This puts the focus on whatever paranormal forces you’re fighting.

When you choose the Night Watch, your crew gains xp on a mission where you successfully identify, acquire, monitor, or contain a supernatural force.

So that’s it, huh? I remember the drill. One slayer dies, the next one’s called. I wonder who she is. Will you train her? Or will they send someone else?

Crew abilities

Chosen — Each PC may add +1 action rating to Attune, Study, or Sway (up to a max rating for 3).

Astral Wards — You get +1 to resistance rolls against supernatural threats. You get +1d to healing rolls when you have supernatural harm.

Shared Telepathy — You can use teamwork with any crew member, regardless of the distance separating you. By marking 1 Stress, your telepathic message is heard by all crew members.

Fiends — Fear is as good as respect. You may treat each threat level as if it were network.

Ghost Passage — From harsh experience or occult ritual, all crew members become immune to possession by spirits, but may choose to “carry” a ghost as a passenger within their body.

Arcane Sight — Take 1 stress to sense beyond human limits. “Hear” a subject’s true thoughts or feelings, see in pitch darkness, sense the presence of invisible things, intuit the location of a hidden object, etc.

Conviction — Each PC gains an additional source of stability: Centering. When you use this source of stability and honor your tradition, you don’t overdo it if you clear excess stress. In addition, your centering will assist any one action roll you make—from now until you clear stress again.

Crew upgrades