Buried Secrets


Bodyguards escorting a government official

Sometimes only those already walking the halls of power can unravel a conspiracy. For an overtly political game of thrones, where deceit and dealmaking carry the day, consider playing as a group of minders. Diplomatic staff, bodyguards, political operatives — specialists in deals, defections, and coverups. This will produce a game filled with betrayal, double agents, and competing agendas where you’re never sure who you can trust. Expect at least one of your crew to be working for the other side. Series like House of Cards, Game of Thrones or The Expanse, movies like Blade Runner, Minority Report, or the Bourne trilogy are all good inspiration.

When you choose Minders, your crew gains xp on a mission where you successfully leverage a contact, spread a rumour, or betray someone.

Power is a curious thing… Three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man. Between them stands a common sellsword. Each great man bids the sellsword kill the other two. Who lives, who dies?

Crew abilities

Silver Tongues — Each PC may add +1 action rating to Command, Consort, or Sway (up to max rating of 3).

High Society — It’s all about who you know. Take -1 heat during downtime and +1d to gather info about government or financial elite.

Patronage — When you must make large bribes or payments, pay half the amount of INTEL usually required to do so (rounded down).

Leverage — You crew has a data sharing agreement with other factions. Whenever you gain INTEL, advance a project clock.

All Hands — During downtime, one of your cohorts may perform a downtime activity for the crew to acquire an asset, reduce heat, or work on a long-term project.

Who Do You Work For? — Pay an INTEL to add a contact that is known to work for the conspiracy. They will provide you with help or useful information at least once before they double-cross you.

Legal Cover — Through subtle manipulation or hard-won experience, you have discovered how to get law enforcement or government institutions to support your cause. They do not help you directly. How do they aid your cause?

Crew upgrades