Buried Secrets


Group of people discussing a murder at a crime scene

Analysts, scientists, private eyes, CSI - people who are in the game to fight crime and solve mysteries. This can result in a game reminiscent of series like The X-Files, CSI, Zoo, or Trail of Cthulu - where an intellectual puzzle is the real focus of the game.

When you choose Detectives, your crew gains xp on a mission where you successfully close a case, prevent a crime, or identify a conspiracy agent.

This piece of metal that they took out of Duane Barry, it has some kind of code on it. I ran it through a scanner, and some kind of serial number came up. What the hell is this thing, Mulder?

Crew abilities

Sharp Minds — Each PC may add +1 action rating to Study, Survey, or Tinker (up to a max rating of 3).

Official Standing — Showing your official credentials allows you to take +1d to Command or Consort rolls but adds +1 heat to the mission.

Staff Psychologist — When you roll to recover or reduce stress during downtime you may increase the result level by one.

Watching the Watchmen — You are able to monitor dispatch channels used by emergency services, giving you advance knowledge about their movements.

Logical Deductions — By analyzing their results, your crew gains 1 extra INTEL during payoff.

City Records — You get +1d to the engagement roll for stealth plans. You can use blueprints and other documents to determine a good approach for infiltrations.

Meritocracy — Your organization prides itself on the quality of its specialists. Add the principled, unreliable, or wild flaw to your experts to give them +1 quality.

Crew upgrades