Buried Secrets

Skills — Conspiracy Theory

Fringe Science

Alternatively called Super-Science or Weird Science depending on the genre.

You’re an expert in all the theories and stories that cluster at the edges of normal science, not yet proven, or not yet unproven, or the subject of government coverups. This covers UFO sightings, cryptozoology, zero-point energy devices, shrinking and enlarging rays, transdimensional geometry, and so forth. You can:

Just because you’ve studied all these things doesn’t make them true, of course. This is a very helpful skill when the campaign is meant to emulate stories like Gravity Falls, the X-Files, or some of the sillier 1960’s-era spy fiction.

Occult Studies

You’re an expert in the historical study of magic, superstition, and hermetic practice from the stone age to the present. From Satanists to the Golden Dawn, you know the dates, the places, the controversies, and the telling anecdotes. You can:

Your knowledge of the occult is that of a detached, perhaps even disapproving, outsider. This ability does not allow you to work magic or summon supernatural entities, even if the campaign allows for such things.


The subset of occult studies (or fringe science) concerned directly with vampires. The traditional lore, the great names, strengths and weaknesses, variations across the world. You can: